💣 The question most empaths avoid...
What does feeding love back in to yourself look like?
It is scary AF to allow yourself to love you.
🤢 The "imperfections" don't match up to the societal norm.
🤢 The comparison game is strong.
🤢 The idea you're allowed to love yourself seems foreign.
It has taken a long time of shadow work and healing to reach the point I am at now.
I will not claim to be 💯 perfect all the time, but I will state I am present over perfect as much as possible.

8️⃣ Ways I feed love back in to myself
➡️ Communicating my needs
➡️ Honoring all of my emotions
➡️ Holding a safe space without guilt
➡️ Reparenting my inner child
➡️ Using doterra's Rose Touch while stating "I love you, Victoria"
➡️ Allowing curiosity and creativity to lead me.
➡️ Visualizing the ideal me as the me of right now.
➡️ Accepting I was made uniquely and completely me, with no mistakes.
What is 1️⃣ thing you could do to feed love back into yourself? Share in the comments below
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