Welcome back!
In case you missed my first blog post, I will cover again what an Empath.
An individual who feels the emotions and energies of those around them as if it were truly their feelings.

Now you must be wondering what characteristics make up an empath. There are many lists available, however the list below is what has rung true for myself and others I know as Empaths.
You feel others emotions as if they are your own.
You're own emotions are very raw and truthful; you cannot hide when you're angry, sad, happy, etc.
Children and animals are drawn to you
Energy vampires, people who suck good energy, are drawn to you and deplete your energy bank
You can tell when someone is being untruthful
You're drawn to people who need "help"
You are highly intuitive
You can read a room and the shift of energy before it happens
You may have higher anxiety or moments of anxiety due to the overwhelm of energy
You are both introverted and extroverted
People readily tell you their most intimate, private stories with ease and comfort
You tend to be the "therapist" or sounding board for your family and friends
Being the bearer of bad news pains you because you don't like harming others
You are a great problem solver
You thrive in meaningful conversations
You cry for others when others do not cry
You do not like confrontation
It is hard to be truly mean to others who don't deserve it
You dislike fake people as you can see their true self or true intentions
You can feel toxic energy
You find it hard to cut out toxic people because you care
You tend to care for everyone else before yourself
You like to see others happy
You feel at peace with nature
Water tends to be calling you and can help cleanse you of negative energy
Music speaks to you and you can feel the emotions of the artist bleed through each note and lyric
Horror, comedy and drama movies or shows, even the news, can be too much to handle due to the emotions behind it
You feel the residual energy from the previous owner of used or vintage items
You find it hard to throw things out and tend to hoard stuff just because someone gifted it to you or you bought it during a happy moment in your life or travels
There are I'm sure more traits and characteristics of being an Empath. If you've read through this list and it has resonated with you, Welcome to being an Empath.

So what exactly does being an Empath entail?
Well, when you don't know how to control the emotions of others versus the emotions of yourself, you tend to:
Lash out, sometimes to the wrong people
Throw a "temper tantrum"
Feel invincible
Run on adrenaline
Feel cursed
Not understand why your mood suddenly shifted
Have bouts of anxiousness and nervousness
Feel as if you've lost control of your emotions
People tell you that you're too sensitive
Navigating the difference between your own emotions and that of others can be challenging. It is not an easy task or road. There are many things one can do to help differentiate those moments and how to stop it from affecting you.
Take some time to reflect on the above information and drop a comment below or send me an email (essentiallyanempath@gmail.com) on when you discovered your Empathic abilities.